100% renewable electricity
Bulb buy around 4.5% of their electricity straight from renewable generators around the UK. And purchase the rest on the wholesale energy market. For every unit of electricity we use, Bulb buy a renewable generation certificate (called a REGO) to match. REGO's help to support and develop the renewable energy infrastructure.
REGO certificates help us verify the amount of renewable energy we supply to the industry regulator, Ofgem. Every year, like all suppliers, Bulb report on the amount of electricity they have purchased from which source: coal, gas, nuclear and renewables. For Bulb, it's simple: 100% of their electricity comes from renewable sources like solar, wind and hydro.
Bulb carbon offset all our gas
Around 3% of Bulb's gas comes from renewable sources like food or farm waste, and they buy the rest from the wholesale market.
To balance out the impact of the gas supplied, Bulb add up the carbon footprint of all the gas customers. Then purchase offsets to fund projects that cut emissions in the atmosphere by the same amount.
Every carbon offset certificate they buy is verified by one of three internationally-recognised standards: the Gold Standard, the Verified Carbon Standard or the UNFCCC's Clean Development Mechanism. These organisations make sure carbon reduction projects have a robust audit trail, and that carbon savings are long-lasting and additional to what would have happened anyway.
Offsetting won't solve the climate crisis on its own. But we see it as a way of taking responsibility for the emissions we create, until there’s a way to supply energy with no emissions at all.