


We are a vegan business.  Every product and all the inks and threads that we use are vetted to ensure that they do not contain any animal products and that our suppliers do not test on animals.  We only supply plant-based milk in the kitchen and vegan food at staff meals.


We get asked a lot about whether our inks are vegan but it’s important to look a bit further to uncover the truth. Our inks ARE vegan, just to clarify. Permaset inks have no animal-derived ingredients and aren’t tested on animals.  Additionally, it is important to animals (and plants and humans) that the inks are eco-friendly. They don’t contain harmful ingredients, unlike plastisol inks and discharge inks. In fact, they don’t contain harmful solvents like other water based inks do. It means that they’re kinder to the humans that use the inks (us), the humans and animals that come into contact with the inks (including you) and don’t cause problems during disposal (which affects every living being). Plastisol inks, in particular, require lots of harmful solvents to clean down the screens and these all go down the drain, causing harm to aquatic life. We use good old water to wash the ink from our screens.

The hidden thing in screen printing that is often NOT vegan is the emulsion used on the screens to create the stencil itself. Many emulsions contain gelatin. We are happy to say that ours does not.


the garments

We only offer and source organic cotton and other sustainable garments, unless a customer specifically requests something different.  We also charge comparatively less for all of our organic cotton and other sustainable garments to further encourage our customers to make positive choices that minimise pesticide use. Cotton crops can be sprayed with higher concentrations of pesticides, compared to food crops, because the end-user isn’t going to eat it. Pesticides used on cotton crops are thought to cause the deaths of more than 300,000 people in the third world every year by acute poisoning.  Another 250,000 take their lives every year due to the effects of chronic poisoning. It is a serious problem for cotton workers and for any living creatures living near to the cotton fields, particularly as water sources can become contaminated.  

All the garment fabrics are dyed with GOTS approved chemicals, using low-water and controlled waste discharge processes, certified to Oeko-Tex 100 Class I standard and conforming to REACH. Organic certified fabrics are dyed in a zero-discharge dyehouse, where all the water is recycled in a closed-loop system.



The garments that we choose to source are all Fair Wear certified and adhere to the following criteria: No use of child labour, no use of forced labour, safe and healthy working conditions, legal labour contracts, payment of living wage, freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, no discrimination against employees and no excessive hours of work.


We minimise our use of plastic, and try to avoid one-use plastic completely.  We ensure that all our waste is recycled and/or responsibly dispose of anything else so that none of our waste can inadvertently cause harm to animals.  We have sourced paper tape that uses vegan glue.


Some people describe veganism as trying to live your life without causing pain or suffering to fellow beings, human or animal. Opting for T-shirt printing with eco-friendly inks and organic cotton helps to do just that.


Eco Certification

Almost all the garments we supply are Fair Wear certifiied
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